Monday, 20 April 2015

Structure and description of the Physical Education CLIL Didactic Unic

This CLIL Didactic Unit is going to be developed by the PE teacher of the school San Roque from Silla  in the first course of Primary School, and it will be the research topic of my TFG. It will consist of six lessons, that will run from 21 April to 19 May 2015. 

The title of this Didactic Unit is “The Little Red Riding Hood” as it revolves around this folktale, and the main objectives are that students:
  • Use their motor skills adapting the movement to the situation
  • Improve their spatial concepts through games
  • Identify and apply spatial vocabulary to real situations
  • Value tales as a resource for learning and fun

So, in order to assess and to check that students have reached these main objectives, we will observe them following these evaluation criteria to identify if they:

  • Know their motor skills and use them in the correct way
  • Identify the main special concepts
  • Apply special concepts to game situations
  • Respect the main rules of the class, games. Activities and task
  • Implication in the activities generated by the tale

Through this DU we want to develop the next key competences:

  • Linguistic and communicative
  • Learning to learn
  • Social and civic

To that end, the material resources that we will need are:

The assessment process will be mainly focused on the observation of students’ progress, but there will also be a final test in which students will have to answer some questions to check if they have acquired the basic vocabulary and to know more about their opinion of the CLIL lessons, and a final task in which pupils will have to organize the flashcards in the correct story order, and to label all the characters in a memory-motor game.

As in any other CLIL DU, each lesson needs to plan different content, communication, cognition and culture learning outcomes. In this specific one, these are:

o   Physical Education contents:

§  Laterality: left and right
§  Spatial concepts: in front of, behind, next to
§  Motor skills: running, jumping, walking

o   Cross-curricular contents:

§  Orientation
§  Healthy food
§  Respect for classmates
o   Language for the topic:

§  Vocabulary:

·         Spatial concepts: left, right, in front of, behind, next to
·         Actions: Jumping, running, walking, dancing, singing
·         P.E materials: ball, bench, hoop, skipping rope
·         P.E structures: circle and row
·         Healthy food: orange, lemon, vegetables…
·         Tale vocabulary: wolf, granny, closet, cake, box…

§  Structures:

·         Let’s make a…
·         I go running/ jumping
·         Move to the left/right

o   Language for interaction:

·         Numbers
·         Daily routines: good morning, good afternoon…
·         Expressions: Have a nice day, thank you!...
o   Applying orientation (left and right) to action games
o   Remembering characters of the tale
o   Applying spatial concepts to real situations
o   Ordering the tale by using flashcards
o   The tale as a cultural resource
o   Tales and morality for young children
o   Environmental knowledge and respect

1 comment:

  1. Do you know what I miss in the usual didactic units? Some justification which addresses the internal quality of the activity and not just the contents, competences, etc.; some justification for the activity which, as you said in the last post, tries to take into consideration the potential to activate the students' intrinsic motivation. So, what in this didactic unit has been designed in order to make the whole activity a relevant and meaningful academic experience?
